Srebrenica Genocide Remembrance Day – July 11 2024

Srebrenica Genocide Remembrance Day

Srebrenica massacre of Bosniak boys and men on July 11,1995, where military of separatist Serb Republic, summarily executed over 8500 prisoners of war, was declared by the (ICTY) International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia as GENOCIDE.

On July 19th Chicago City Council dedicated July 11th as “Srebrenica Genocide Remembrance Day”; almost a year before (May 23rd 2024) when UN General Assembly dedicated July 11th as International Day of Remembering Srebrenica Genocide.

Today UN General Assembly held its first commemoration of genocide, while Chicagoans of Bosniak origin, survivors of genocide, lowered Bosnian flag to the half staff on Daley Plaza remembering those who perished in genocide, and making awareness that evil of genocide could happen anytime and anywhere.

Idhan Tahirovic,
President of Bosniak Brotherhood of Genocide Survivors

Nakon 12 godina obiljezavanja Genocida u Srebrenici poznatim kao “Srebrenica Genocide Commemoration Day”, juli 11-ti postaje i sluzbeno “Srebrenica Genocide Remembrance Day”, Rezolucijom skupstine grada Cikaga jednoglasno usvojene na sjednici jula 19-og, 2023.
Ovo je jedna od znacajnih pobjeda nad negatorima srpskog genocida nad Bosnjacima. Ovih proteklih 12 godina nije bilo uzaludno, ali nije bilo lahko ustrajati u necemu gdje nije bilo srcane podrske od bosnjacke zajednice Cikaga.

Bosniak Brotherhood of Genocide Survivors nece stati u sirenju istine o srpskom genocidu nad Bosnjacima Srebrenice i privremeno uspostavljenog genocidnog entiteta “rs”. BBGS se zahvaljuje svim ucesnicima obiljezavanja genocida u proteklih 12 godina . Takodje se zahvaljujemo Institutu za istrazivanje genicida Kanada-IGC i Bosnjaci. net na ucescu u donisenju Rezolucije i iskreno se radujemo buducoj suradnji sa ove dvije nepokolebljive institucije u borbi protiv zaborava i sirenja istine o srpskom genocidu nad Bosnjacima.

U ime Odbora BBGS

Idhan Tahirovic



Bosniak Brotherhood of Genocide Survivors (BBGS) is non-for-profit association of the indigenous people of the Bosnia and Herzegovina – Bosniaks, who has survived genocide from the ethnically cleansed half of the Bosnia and Herzegovina’s administrative territory known as Serb Republic, and from the joint criminal enterprise known as Herzeg-Bosnia.”


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