Bosniak Brotherhood of Genocide Survivors
Bosniak Brotherhood of Genocide Survivors (BBGS)
Bosniak Brotherhood of Genocide Survivors (BBGS) is non-for-profit association of the indigenous people of the Bosnia and Herzegovina – Bosniaks, who has survived genocide from the ethnically cleansed half of the Bosnia and Herzegovina’s administrative territory known as Serb Republic, and from the joint criminal enterprise known as Herzeg-Bosnia. The Bosniak Brotherhood of Genocide Survivors, where majority of its members had experienced traumatic consequence of genocide, have decided to become an active voice of the international community in genocide prevention and human rights protection, with its focus on the genocide committed by the military and police of the Bosnian entity called Srb Republic against Bosniak civilians and prisoners of war.
Therefore, the priorities of the Bosniak Brotherhood of genocide Survivors are:
1. To be guardians of the facts that Bosniaks have being victims of the Serbian genocidal campaign to form the Greater Serbia of the half of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2. To prevent, discourage and publicly condemn:
a. any attempt by the Serb nationalist to deny the fact that military and police of the Entity Serb Republic had committed genocide over Bosniaks;
b. any attempt to equalize perpetrators of the genocide and the victims of the genocide.
3. To persistently apply all the legal means to dissolute the Entity Serb Republic based on the application of the legal norm sui generis, and fact that Serbs who compose one third of the Bosnian population cannot be in control of half of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
4. To prevent and discredit any attempt by the Entity Serb Republic to act as a sovereign state by revealing her genocidal character.
5. To keep analyzing ideology of genocide with focus on the newer ending Serbs’ inspiration to commit genocide against Bosniaks.
6. To keep studying motivation of the Church of Serbia to promote, justify and encourage her flock to commit genocide over Bosniaks.
Although, Bosnia Brotherhood of Genocide Survivors is not political organization, BBGS cannot remain passive while politics of neighboring countries continue to promote their expansionistic agenda using for that goal Entities Republica Srpska and Joined Criminal Enterprise Herceg Bosna. Bosniaks-Bosnians must be aware of the facts that unlike Serbs and Croats, Bosniaks have no national state, therefore have no adequate diplomatic representation in foreign countries that would work in the best interest of her citizens.
Therefore, Bosniaks-Bosnians must be able through organized activities to promote democratic will of majority of her citizens in the countries where they have citizenship.

Bosniak Brotherhood of Genocide Survivors (BBGS) is non-for-profit association of the indigenous people of the Bosnia and Herzegovina – Bosniaks

The Board of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada

Dragi prijatelji zelim podijeliti sa Vama ovu radosnu vijest. Na simbolican datum,9.11.2023 ,postao sam clan Medjunarodnog ekspertnog tima za izucavanje genocida, u sklopu Instituta za izucavanje genocida Kanada. Duznost je svakog Bosnjaka i Bosanca sa savjescu siritu istinu o agresiju na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegivinu i genocidu koji je izvrsen nad Bosnjacima u procesu stvaranja Entiteta republika srpska. Na to nas obavezuju nase obescascene sestre, nasi sehidi, masovne grobnice, a najvise generecije koje stasavaju. Ne smijemo dozvoliti zbog nase mladosti da se velikosrpska i velikohrvatska agenda i torovska politika “nosilaca” euro-atlantskih vrijednisti isprijece na putu stvaranje gradjanske Republike Bosne i Hercegivine. U toku ostvarivanja toga cilja- drzave jednakih gradjana-duznost je svakog gradjanina RBiH upoznati se sa jus cogens normom-da je sve sto pociva na genocidu-sa aspekta medjunarodnog prava neodrzivo. Jos jednom zahvaljujem profesoru Emiru Ramicu i odboru IGC. Zajedno smo jaci. S postovanjem Idhan Tahirovic
Srebrenica Resolution City Council
Chicago July 14, 2023
Honorable Mayor Mr. Johnson,
Honorable alderman Mrs. Silverstein,
Distinguished members of the City Council,
My name is Idhan Tahirovic.
I am here on the behalf of Bosniaks of Chicago, as well as Bosniaks dispersed all over the world as result of aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina, and as result of ethnic cleansing of non-Serbs during the creation of the Entity Republic Srpska. Bosniak community express a deep appreciation to every one of you for designating July 11,2023 as “Srebrenica Genocide Remembrance Day”. Your unanimous decision
hopefully will have an impact on a conscience of those who keep denying genocide and those who keep celebrating war criminals as national heroes. Unfortunately, even 28 years after the genocide almost entire Serb nation illogically keep denying the genocide, making impossible reconciliation with the survivors of the genocide.
The Resolution designating July 11,2023 as “Srebrenica Genocide Remembrance Day “gave Bosniak community strength to continue to make awareness that genocide is possible anytime and anywhere. Unfortunately, Europe did not learn a shameful lesson from the holocaust and extermination of Jewish minority. And less than a half a century lather Europe allowed genocide against other religious minority-Bosniak Muslims, the indigenous people of Europe. This Resolution send a strong message-that despite orchestrated efforts by the governments of Serbia and Entity Republic Srpska, and Serb Orthodox Church – to depict Srebrenica genocide as war crime -there are people in the democratic free world who can form their own opinion based on the facts accessible to anyone who search for the truth. Distinguished members of the City Council be aware that you will be exposed to pressure from the genocide deniers to change your decision about genocide. Please, do not succumb.
Furthermore,the Bosniak community is grateful to the City of Chicago for allowing us to lower the national flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the half stuff on the Daley Plaza. Lowering flag to the half staff is not just symbolic act remembering victims of genocide. It is more than that, since Serb’s representatives in the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina do not recognize July 11,1995 as national mourning day. Therefore, the national flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina cannot be officially lowered at half-staff in front of any state institutions including the Building of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Distinguished members of the City Council, with your support July 11 will be recognized as Genocide Awareness Day worldwide. That idea was born in Chicago on July 11, 2011, and the stepping stone toward achieving that idea was July 19,2023.
Idhan Tahirovic, President of Bosniak Brotherhood of Genocide Survivors,
Dr. Emir Ramic, Director of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada
Esad Krcic, Editor Bosnjaci.Net
BBGS Mission and Vision

Uncompromised fight with all legal means to liberate Bosnia and Europe from the evil of a genocide-“Republika Srpska”, and to participate and keep giving an unconditional support to everybody whose vision is military strong democratic Republic of Bosnia capable to defend her citizens from enemies-especially from her neighbors.
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